After Mrs Thatcher's first election victory in 1979, Labour moved sharply to the left 1979年撒切尔夫人首次大选获胜后,工党的路线明显左转。
In Darfur, badly needed helicopters finally arrived at the UN peacekeeping mission, where peacekeepers helped distribute ballots for Sudan's first multi-party election in 24 years. 在达尔富尔,急需的直升机最终在联合国维和特派团降落了。维和人员协助为苏丹24年来的首次多党选举分发选票。
At other times, such as with the healthcare law, change is painfully built, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand, as Mr Obama put it after his first election. 在其他情况下,比如医疗法,变革是在痛苦中一砖一瓦,千辛万苦地堆砌出来的,正如奥巴马在第一次当选后的演讲中所说。
Just because Russia and Qatar are gas-rich ( and back in 1998 a Qatari businessman provided Blatter with a private jet for his first FIFA election campaign) does not mean the process was corrupt. 并不是说俄罗斯和卡塔尔仅仅由于天然气储量丰富(以及在1998年,一名卡塔尔商人为布拉特提供私人飞机,帮助他首次竞选国际足联主席),它们的申办过程就一定腐败。
Despite its victory, the CDU obtained its lowest score since the first post-war election of 1949 while the SPD lost 12 points to reach a post-war low. 尽管赢得了选举胜利,但基民盟获得的选票为1949年战后首次选举以来的最低票数,而社民党的支持率下降了12个百分点,为战后的最低水平。
And then after more instability and unrest, former Catholic priest Jean-Bertrand Aristide won Haiti's first free election in1990.But his presidency didn't last long. 1990年,让•贝特朗•阿里斯蒂德成为海地第一位民选总统,但是他在一年之后遭到罢免。
Mr Shen asked. Answering his own question, Mr Shen noted that Mr Obama made similar noises prior to his first election, and backed down shortly after. 接着他为自己提出的问题给出了答案,指出奥巴马在2008年大选中也放过类似的厥词,但当选后很快就不了了之。
The mobilization of woman in Hunan Province first general election movement 湖南省第一次普选运动中的妇女发动
An interim government was set up for the period before the country's first free election. 家首次自由选举之前,先成立了临时政府。
The first election for the District Councils was held on November 28, 1999, returning 390 elected members. 第一届区议会选举在一九九九年十一月二十八日举行,选出共390名区议员。
On 27 January the first primary election will be held, in the northeastern state of New Hampshire. 明年1月27日,第一次预选将在东北部的新罕布什尔州举行。
Campaigning has begun in Tunisia for the first election since revolutions in January which inspired the Arab Spring, a wave of uprisings that swept north Africa and the middle east. 自一月份革命以来,突尼斯的首次选举已经开始。这次革命激发了“阿拉伯之春”,即一场席卷北非和中东的起义浪潮。
A Saturday release would be six days after Burma's first election in two decades. 星期六是缅甸举行二十年来首次大选后的第六天。
Libya's de facto Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril has said the country's first post-Gaddafi election will be held within a maximum of eight months. 哈茂德?贾布里勒实际上是利比亚总理,他说,本国后卡扎菲时代的选举将最迟在八个月内举行。
That was just days after the country's military rulers claimed an overwhelming victory in Burma's widely criticized first election in two decades. 此前几天,缅甸军方统治者宣称在缅甸备受批评的选举中取得了压倒性胜利。这次选举是缅甸20年来的第一次。
British Labor Party could win the first general election after the war, the fundamental reason lies just here. 英国工党在战后的第一次大选中所以能获得胜利,其根本原因也就在此。
Then you have in Zimbabwe the first election under Robert Mugabe a year ago. 还有一年前的津巴布韦,在总统罗伯特·穆加贝统治下的首次大选。
On Sunday, with the revolutions it set in train still raging elsewhere, Tunisia has again sent a signal of hope to a troubled region by holding the first election of the Arab spring. 上周日,在突尼斯点燃的革命之火仍在其它地方熊熊燃烧之际,该国又为这个动荡不安的地区送来一缕希望的曙光它举行了“阿拉伯之春”以来的首个选举。
Catalonia held its first regional election since being granted more autonomy by the Spanish government under a new statute. 自从西班牙政府颁布新法令批准卡塔卢尼亚(西班牙北部地区)更多的自治权以后,这个地区头一次进行地方性选举。
Angolans were about to vote in their first general election in 16 years. 安哥拉民众将在16年来首次议会选举中进行投票。
Four weeks after coming to power on the back of what was widely dubbed the first Internet election campaign, Barack Obama is establishing himself as the first truly multimedia president. 经历了被普遍誉为首次互联网选战的争夺,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)掌权刚刚4周,就已开始确立自己首位真正的多媒体总统的地位。
The first election of members of Academia Sinica in1948 is an important event in the history of modern Chinese science. 1948年中研院首届院士选举是中国近代科学史上的重要事件。
Among them the first election is Agerious'habitual defence& those make us and others avoid being threated to interact with gob-struck habituation, but it will hinder our study. 其中首推阿吉瑞斯所称的“习惯性防卫”&那些使我们及他人免受威胁与窘困的习惯性互动方式,它将阻碍我们的学习。
The votes from the civilians for the first Presidential election in India will have been computed by a computer system before the results are reported on TV news tonight. 当我昨晚得知消息时,印度总统大选的票已经经由电脑计算出了。
Life is still hectic – the volcanic ash cloud has just all but paralysed Europe and televisions throughout the State Department are showing the first British election debate. 生活依然忙碌&火山灰云团几乎瘫痪了整个欧洲,美国国务院办公室的电视上都在播放英国有史以来首次选举辩论。
But the extreme nationalist Party, Sinn Fein, won most of the Irish seats in the first election after the war. 但是那个极端的民族主义党&新芬党,在战后选举中赢得了第一大党的地位。
In July, workers in the Honda parts factory, such as Mr Li, elected their own representatives, which Prof Pun says is the first election of this kind that the ACFTU helped organise. 去年7月,包括黎伟宁在内的本田配件厂工人选出了自己的工会代表。潘毅教授表示,这是中华全国总工会协助组织的首次此类选举。
The first election of academicians of Academia Sinica is an important symbol that modern scientific institutionalization in China began to enter a period of maturity. 此届院士的选出是中国现代科学建制化历程开始步入成熟阶段的重要标志。